Course Details

Integrated Thinking A Relational Perspective

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  • This is a structured CPD course. It is divided into two parts with each of the parts costing Kshs 2,000 and allocated 3 structured CPDs.
  • Integrated thinking is a shift from the agency theory whose sole focus is profit maximization for shareholders. Integrated thinking considers the wholesome wellbeing of the organization and expectations of all the stakeholders.
  • To discuss practical steps in managing various stakeholder interests without compromising the achievement of the corporate objectives.
  • Evaluate the cost and benefit of integrating thinking as well as of managing or mismanaging stakeholder relations.
  • A participant has to take the full course (two parts) to obtain the 6 structured CPDs.
  • Integrated Thinking A Relational Perspective Part I
    18 Minutes
  • Integrated Thinking A Relational Perspective Part II
    16 Minutes